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Shoko Daiko
About Rokusai Nenbutsu
The Origin of Rokusai Nenbutsu
The exact origin of Rokusai Nenbutsu(Rokusai-day)in Kyoto is not clear. While some folk stories credit Kuya(空也903-927)or Doku(道空),The tradision likely has begun as priests offerning prayers to the Buddha on the Six Festival Days(Rokusai-nichi).Rokusai-nichi are the8th,14th,15th,23ed,29th,and the 30th days of the month. Several Buddhist sutras mention these as holy days every month would lead to long life and peace in the afterlife.Rokusai-nichi also became the days of prayers and making wishes.
Around the Muromachi period(1336-1573),Rokusai-Nenbutsu spread from Kyoto and Wakayama area to the rest of Japan,forming numerous groups called Koh(講)

Rokusai Nenbutsu in Kamitoba
In 1983,15 groups preserving Rokusai Nenbutsu in the present-day Kyoto received a designation as a national important Intangible Folk Cultual Heritage, including our group, Kamitoba Hashikami Kane-kochu. We are the only only Rokusai Nenbutsu group retaing "Shoko Daiko(焼香太鼓)," as well as other "Wasan"tunes(Buddist hymns sang in japanese),such as "Hushi Hakumai(節白舞)"and "Tobi kan'non(飛観音)", today, keeping the tradition of "Nenbutsu Rokusai".
We have been performing during the Bon festival to Honor our ancestors, as well as offerning Rokusai Nenbutsu on the Jizo Bon(a celebration of Zizo Bosatsu[kshitigarbha]) and Dainichi Bon(a celebration of Dainichi Nyorai[Maha Vairocana]) festivals, both celebrated locally in late August, among other occasions.